Fleet management solution

Ready to take your logistics processes to the next level? With ax-track, you can keep track of your vehicles along the entire transport route. From location and arrival to the quality of the freight, you can track everything in real time and configure user-friendly software alerts and notifications so you don't miss any important deadlines. Our solution enables manufacturer-independent tracking worldwide.

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ax-track for your logistics business


Our fleet management tool enables real-time tracking of vehicle locations, status and behaviour. Route optimisation is based on real-time traffic information and avoids traffic jams, shortens journey times, and speeds up deliveries.

For freight monitoring, ax-track ensures continuous monitoring of temperature and humidity to prevent damage. Delivery date management sends proactive notifications and alerts for on-time deliveries. Transparent insights into the delivery status improve customer communication and satisfaction. ax-track provides you with a comprehensive solution to streamline your transport processes.

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Increase the efficiency of your transport processes

Working and Rest Times Regulation (ARV) and HVC (LSVA) 3

More safety for your vehicles and freight

Real-time monitoring

Cost reduction

Improved fleet management

Working and Rest Times Regulation (ARV) and HVC (LSVA) III

We can provide a complete record of all ARV-relevant information. Say goodbye to manually reading data! HVC III (LSVA 3) data is also transmitted and the trailer and trailer load are automatically recognised.

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  • No need to manually read driver cards or tachographs
  • Legal conformity in accordance with ARV
  • Comprehensive analysis of driver performance
  • Automated transmission of HVC (LSVA) III information to the BAZG
  • We install everything on site

R+N Transporte AG

R+N Transporte AG, a transport and logistics company from eastern Switzerland, has started an exciting collaboration with ax-track for its fleet of 32 lorries. Our cost-effective tracking solution enables a better overview and provides massive support in the scheduling of journeys.

Thanks to precise route tracking, the time of delivery can be tracked, regardless of the vehicle manufacturer. The simple installation and long battery life make our trackers extremely low-maintenance and provide transparent insights into the battery status at all times.

Click here to read the reference story in full

We answer your questions

How can ax-track help to improve the safety of your vehicles and freight?
ax-track enables real-time monitoring of vehicle locations, vehicle condition and freight conditions to identify and minimise potential risks at an early stage.
What benefits does ax-track offer for fleet management?

With ax-track, you can track your fleet in real time, monitor vehicle performance and improve driver routines to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

Can ax-track be adapted to different types of vehicles and transport?

Yes, ax-track is flexible and can be used for a wide range of vehicles and transport types, from lorries  and containers to ships and aircraft.

Start your IoT project today!

We would be happy to advise you. Get in touch with us for a non-obligation initial consultation. Get in touch with us now.

or give us a call on:

+41 44 500 21 20